
Birmingham radio icon and pioneer Nikki Tapper invited Founder Fidel Thompson to come and share his story of life growing up in the deprived areas of Birmingham and what influence did it have on him throughout his adolescent years. How did he process being a victim of gun violence? How did he mentally cope with the change from life how he once knew it. Delving deeper they spoke about life as a paraplegic and how Fidel coped mentally, physically and emotionally. They finished on all things Breakin barriers a charity he formed which advocates change, awareness and funds for the unspoken world of spinal cord injuries.

Fidel Thompson was shocked and humbled not only being nominated but winner the “Role Model of the Year” at the iconic Multicultural Business & Community Champion (MBCC) Awards when asked how he felt he replied “The world of spinal cord injuries is no spoken about, it does not discriminate age, gender or ethnicity the mental, emotional and physical adjustments are not for the weak minded or half hearted”

Fidel Thompson was awarded “ Inspirational person of the Year ” in his home town of Birmingham. At the monumental Black Owned Birmingham Awards 2022, Fidel spoke on the surreal feeling and how special this was being voted by his Birmingham community for this award. Touching on how he was finally comfortable taking off the armour to show his peers and community no matter the outcome, life goes on, no matter the cards your dealt, you just got to believe.

Breakin Barriers was invited to switch radio hosted by Sophie Preece to share his story with others about the unspoken world of spinal cord injuries and his advocacy to change the stigma and narratives.